Lambourn Abrasion Tester Model : AB-1100 Series

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Lambourn Abrasion Tester Model : AB-1100 Series

Lambourn Abrasion Tester Model : AB-1100 Series

The Lambourn Abrasion Tester has a high correlation with the product results in evaluating the abrasion resistance of tires, belts, soles, and other products. The equipment uses a grindstone as the abrasion wheel to turn the grindstone, thus abrasive the ring test piece on the circumference of the grindstone. Since a special process is used for a load on the test piece, this model is dramatically higher in accuracy and reproducibility of the test results than the company's conventional Lambourn Abrasion Tester.

Some models use a safety walk for the abrasion wheel and uses talc instead of carbon random for the anti-tack agent. Another model available is the fully automatic model where up to 54 samples can be continuously tested.

●Application Standard:JIS K 6264/ISO23794
●Test Speed:10~200rpm(Test Piece),10~200rpm(Abrasion Wheel)
●Slip Ratio:5~80% ●Test Temperature:RT~60℃(Option 120℃)

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ราคา: ไม่ระบุต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: วิรงรองอีเมล์: 
โทรศัพย์: 02-3286878IP Address:
มือถือ: 086-3311770 จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร

คำค้น:  lambourn | abrasion | tester | model | series | เครื่อง abrasion ราคา |

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