Garmin nuvi 2250LT

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Garmin nuvi 2250LT

Review on Garmin nüvi 2250LT 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Traffic The compact nüvi 2250LT delivers free lifetime traffic updates* for delays on your route. This affordable navigator also speaks street names and includes maps for the U.S., Canada and Mexico. It features lane assist** and myTrends which recognizes your favorite routes, plus ecoRoute to help calculate a more fuel-efficient route. Pedestrian capabilities can be enhanced with optional cityXplorer maps for mass transit information. Experience nüRoute Technology with myTrends
With myTrends, nüvi 2250LT recognizes your favorite destinations and over time predicts where you're going and provides estimated travel time and relevant traffic information. So whether you're driving to and from work or a regularly scheduled weekly event, your 2250LT will help you get there on time. No subscription or added cost required. Know the Lane Before It's Too Late
No more guessing which lane you need to be in to make an upcoming turn. Lane Assist guides you to the correct lane for an approaching turn or exit, making unfamiliar intersections and exits easy to navigate. Technical Details 3.5-inch backlit TFT color touchscreen display with 320 x 240 QVGA pixel resolution Steer clear of traffic with the integrated FM traffic receiver and free lifetime traffic updates Advanced navigation features including voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions, lane assist, fuel-saving ecoRoute myTrends recognizes your favorite destinations and provides estimated travel time and relevant traffic information Includes travel tools such as JPEG picture viewer, world travel clock, currency/measurement converters, calculator and more  More:">Garmin nuvi 2300LM|">Garmin nuvi 2350LMT|">Garmin nuvi 2360LMT|">Garmin nuvi 2370LT|">Garmin nuvi 2250LT|

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