GlobalSat BU-353 Waterproof USB GPS Receiver
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GlobalSat BU-353 Waterproof USB GPS Receiver Description: The BU-353 GPS Receiver can be utilized in a variety of applications which require GPS signals to be received and decoded in your Windows laptop or tablet PC, and for Mac users, their iBooks or Powerbooks. Compatible with most all NMEA compliant third-party software, the BU-353 is suitable for use in vehicle, marine and aviation navigation, as well as commercial and municipality applications such as fire trucks, police cars, buses, GIS data collection and much more!The BU-353's slim profile housing is completely water resistant and incorporates an active patch antenna for the highest level of GPS accuracy. With a 60" cable, placement of the GPS receiver anywhere within the vehicle will usually get sufficient GPS signal reception, but in those rare occurrences when towering high-rises offer challenging satellite reception, simply place the BU-353 on the vehicle's roof (attaches with its built-in magnet) for improved reception.Since power and data are transferred through the same USB cable from the BU-353, there's no need for batteries or any other external power source.BU-353W Package Contents: BU-353RB USB GPS Receiver (1) Suction Cup CD-ROM (User Manual & GPS Info Test Utility)
Check Price & Review >> GlobalSat BU-353 Waterproof USB GPS Receiver Where to Buy & More Detail GlobalSat BU-353 Waterproof USB GPS Receiver go to store. Best buy GlobalSat BU-353 Waterproof USB GPS Receiver Best Quality, Get it now! Built-In Supercap For Rapid Acquisition Built-In Roof Mount Magnet USB Interface Built-In GPS Patch Antenna >> See More Technical Details
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