Interested in learning Thai.
Interested in learning Thai. Foreigners who want to learn Thai. Teaching from the start of the talks, written fluently. Been teaching group and one single. Teaching a group. And teach one. Chlor-1, is 12 hours, representing $ 305 / Claudia Kmart. Single $ 32 per hour. Bargain with you. Teaching from the Thai people live morally. Contact at 0891490657 beer.
ราคา: | 891,490,657 | ต้องการ: | ขาย |
ติดต่อ: | 0891490657 เบียร์ | อีเมล์: | |
โทรศัพย์: | 0891490657 | IP Address: | |
มือถือ: | 0891490657 | จังหวัด: | กรุงเทพมหานคร |