LG 50PT350 Discount Prices

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LG 50PT350 Discount Prices

http://www.lglcdhdtvdiscount.com/LG-50PT350">http://www.lglcdhdtvdiscount.com/LG-50PT350 LG 50PT350 50-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV     * At but 1" wide the new TruSlim Frame trims away the distraction of a good frame.     * Incredibly high distinction ratio of ten,000,000:1 delivers incredibly vibrant colours and deeper and darker blacks     * Energy Star qualified therefore your entertainment experiene uses less energy     * The 600Hz Sub Field Driving nearly eliminates motion blur     * High Definition Resolution for additional vibrant colours and a richer entertainment expertise  You know what it's prefer to get pleasure from. You get into sports, quick action and entertainment shows in life just like the resolution. With a refresh rate of 600 Hz and a top quality HD image and appreciate the PT350 to new heights.


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